Dupre shot to fame (albeit short-lived fame) early this year when Spitzer’s penchant for paid companionship was exposed. Federal investigators tapped his phone after they received reports of suspicious activity from his bank, and taped conversations between him under the code name “Client 9” and a booker at Emperor’s VIP Club making arrangements for escorts. Spitzer was forced to step down because of the scandal.
Once the 23-year-old aspiring singer/prostitute’s identity was revealed, Dupre was initially inundated with offers to pose nude and star in pornos. But her star faded fast and it wasn’t long before she became an afterthought.
Now she wants the limelight back and she’s hoping talking to Diane Sawyer will have one it takes to snatch it. Reportedly, the interview—which will occupy two segments of the hour-long show—will focus more on her rise to hooker superstardom than on her liaisons with the shamed former governor. A source told the Daily News that people hoping for more dirt on Spitzer will be disappointed so, sadly (or maybe, thankfully), she probably won’t go into “too much information” territory. But thirty minutes with the woman who brought down the man who brought down Wall Street without any mention of their encounters would be the ultimate exercise in restraint. And if there’s anything this entire situation lacks, it’s just that.
For more on ASHLEY DUPRE including several non censored pictures from the Girls Gone Wild Days Visit the "offical" ASHLEY DUPRE BLOG