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Thursday, March 26, 2009


A man alleged to be a crazed fan of Olympian Shawn Johnson was arrested Tuesday near the set of Dancing with the Stars. Police later found two loaded guns in the man's car.

Robert O'Ryan, 34, allegedly jumped a fence at CBS Studios in L.A. where the show was filming, but was caught by security. Johnson's mother, Teri, requested and received a temporary restraining order from the L.A. Superior Court on Wednesday.

Approached by security while roaming the studio grounds, O'Ryan admitted he was attempting to meet SHAWN JOHNSON, 17, but after Johnson was contacted and said she didn't know O'Ryan, he changed his story and said he was there to meet Steve-O, according to court documents. No one in Steve-O's group knew O'Ryan, either.

O'Ryan allegedly told LAPD that he had "packed all his belongings and permanently left Florida to drive out here to be with [Johnson]," Teri Johnson wrote in the request for a restraining order.

Among the disturbing items allegedly found in the man's car: A loaded shotgun, a loaded Colt .45 handgun and Johnson memorabilia.

"This incident has caused us severe emotional distress, we have been on the move ever since and have not been able to rest at all for fear that this disturbed person will attempt to make good on his statements and attempt to harm my daughter and possibly us as well," Teri Johnson added in the papers.

O'Ryan remains in police custody as of Wednesday. He has been ordered to stay 100 yards away from Johnson, not to communicate with her and not to harass her parents or dancing partner Mark Ballas. Bail has been set at $35,000.

Johnson's rep, Susan Madore, tells PEOPLE in a statement released Wednesday: "The matter has been turned over to the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles District Attorney's office. It is currently an ongoing investigation and we are confident that it will be handled appropriately by all involved."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Last night, during the taping of his Late Show, David Letterman let slip he married his long time girlfriend REGINA LASKO. Having dated for something near 23 years and having a 5 year old child together, it seemed Regina Lasko and David Letterman were beyond getting married, but apparently they stopped by ye ol’ court house in Montana last Thursday.

But, like all weddings, things didn’t go as planned when their pickup got stuck in the mud on the way to get married. David Letterman had to walk back to the house

David Letterman and long-time girlfriend REGINA LASKO married March 19 at the Teton County Courthouse in Choteau, Montana.

Letterman told the audience at the pre-recording of The Late Show to be shown Monday night that “Regina and I began dating in February of 1986, and I said, `Well, things are going pretty good, let’s just see what happens in about 10 years.” The pair have one child, Harry, born in November 2003.

The marriage didn’t go exactly as planned, with Letterman telling the audience that he managed to bog his truck on the way to the courthouse. “So now we think, `Well, somebody’ll come.’ No, nobody comes along. Nobody comes along _ it’s Thursday afternoon; who’s coming along? Zorro? No, nobody. So I get out of the truck and I walk 2 miles back to the house into a 50-mile-an-hour wind.”

“It’s not Beverly Hills, it’s Montana, for God’s sakes. And the whole way, I’m thinking, ‘See, smart ass, see, see, you try to get married, this is what happens.”

David Letterman and longtime girlfriend REGINA LASKO have gotten hitched.

The host of The Late Show with David Letterman and REGINA LASKO tied the knot Thursday evening, according to Us Weekly, after more than 10 years of dating.

The two met mover a decade ago when Lasko worked for him on his show, and Regina is the mother of his son, Harry, who was born in November 2003.
In 2007, David Letterman told Oprah Winfrey that his son Harry has made a "huge difference" in his life - but doesn't always get his sense of humor.

Said Dave, "Mommy has to tell him a lot that I'm just teasing."

Prior to marrying REGINA LASKO, Letterman was previously married for seven years to his college sweetheart, Michelle Cook.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


HBO is set to air a Mormon Endowment Ceremony in its upcoming episode of Big Love. The church of Latter-day Saints has reacted in a statement and HBO has said that airing the endowment ceremony is vital part of the show and apologized if it has offended anyone.

Before publishing LDS's statement here is HBO's explaination and apology on airing the MORMON ENDOWMENT CEREMONY.

""We know that the writers/producers of the series have gone to great lengths to be respectful and accurate in portraying the MORMON ENDOWMENT CEREMONY. That ceremony is very much an important part of this year's story line. Obviously, it was not our intention to do anything disrespectful to the church but to those who may be offended, we offer our sincere apology. It should also be noted that throughout the series' three-year run, the writer/producers have made abundantly clear the distinction between the LDS Church and those extreme fringe groups who practice polygamy."


Like other large faith groups, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes finds itself on the receiving end of attention from Hollywood or Broadway, television series or books, and the news media. Sometimes depictions of the Church and its people are quite accurate. Sometimes the images are false or play to stereotypes. Occasionally, they are in appallingly bad taste.

As Catholics, Jews and Muslims have known for centuries, such attention is inevitable once an institution or faith group reaches a size or prominence sufficient to attract notice. Yet Latter-day Saints – sometimes known as Mormons - still wonder whether and how they should respond when news or entertainment media insensitively trivialize or misrepresent sacred beliefs or practices.

Church members are about to face that question again. Before the first season of the HBO series Big Love aired more than two years ago, the show’s creators and HBO executives assured the Church that the series wouldn’t be about Mormons. However, Internet references to Big Love indicate that more and more Mormon themes are now being woven into the show and that the characters are often unsympathetic figures who come across as narrow and self-righteous. And according to TV Guide, it now seems the show’s writers are to depict what they understand to be sacred temple ceremonies.

Certainly Church members are offended when their most sacred practices are misrepresented or presented without context or understanding. Last week some Church members began e-mail chains calling for cancellations of subscriptions to AOL, which, like HBO, is owned by Time Warner. Certainly such a boycott by hundreds of thousands of computer-savvy Latter-day Saints could have an economic impact on the company. Individual Latter-day Saints have the right to take such actions if they choose.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an institution does not call for boycotts. Such a step would simply generate the kind of controversy that the media loves and in the end would increase audiences for the series. As Elder M. Russell Ballard and Elder Robert D. Hales of the Council of the Twelve Apostles have both said recently, when expressing themselves in the public arena, Latter-day Saints should conduct themselves with dignity and thoughtfulness.

Not only is this the model that Jesus Christ taught and demonstrated in his own life, but it also reflects the reality of the strength and maturity of Church members today. As someone recently said, “This isn’t 1830, and there aren’t just six of us anymore.” In other words, with a global membership of thirteen and a half million there is no need to feel defensive when the Church is moving forward so rapidly. The Church’s strength is in its faithful members in 170-plus countries, and there is no evidence that extreme misrepresentations in the media that appeal only to a narrow audience have any long-term negative effect on the Church.


* During the Mitt Romney election campaign for the presidency of the United States, commentator Lawrence O’Donnell hurled abuse at the Church in a television moment that became known among many Church members as “the O’Donnell rant.” Today, his statements are remembered only as a testament to intolerance and ignorance. They had no effect on the Church that can be measured.
* When the comedy writers for South Park produced a gross portrayal of Church history, individual Church members no doubt felt uncomfortable. But once again it inflicted no perceptible or lasting damage to a church that is growing by at least a quarter of a million new members every year.
* When an independent film company produced a grossly distorted version of the Mountain Meadows Massacre two years ago, the Church ignored it. Perhaps partly as a result of that refusal to engender the controversy that the producers hoped for, the movie flopped at the box office and lost millions.
* In recent months, some gay activists have barraged the media with accusations about “hateful” attitudes of Latter-day Saints in supporting Proposition 8 in California, which maintained the traditional definition of marriage. They even organized a protest march around the Salt Lake Temple. Again, the Church has refused to be goaded into a Mormons versus gays battle and has simply stated its position in tones that are reasonable and respectful. Meanwhile, missionary work and Church members in California remain as robust and vibrant as ever, and support for the Church has come from many unexpected quarters — including some former critics and other churches.

Now comes another series of Big Love, and despite earlier assurances from HBO it once again blurs the distinctions between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the show’s fictional non-Mormon characters and their practices. Such things say much more about the insensitivities of writers, producers and TV executives than they say about Latter-day Saints.

If the Church allowed critics and opponents to choose the ground on which its battles are fought, it would risk being distracted from the focus and mission it has pursued successfully for nearly 180 years. Instead, the Church itself will determine its own course as it continues to preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Related links

So what is the MORMON ENDOWMENT CEREMONY and Why is the LDS so Pissed

Saturday, March 7, 2009


"Dancing with the Stars" producers scrambled on Friday to find two swift replacements for next week's season premiere after singer Jewel and celebrity journalist Nancy O'Dell dropped out with injuries.

The hit ABC show "Dancing with the Stars" said it would not reveal the replacements until the eighth season kicks off on Monday.

But celebrity news sites said former Playboy model Holly Madison was expected to be one of them.

HOLLY MADISON, 30, was Playboy founder Hugh Hefner's "number one girlfriend" and starred in the U.S. TV reality show "The Girls Next Door" before ending her relationship with Hefner last year.

"She's wanted to do it for so long," Madison's friend Bridget Marquardt told the Fox News Strategy Room discussion show.

"It just never worked with her schedule and Hef was always like 'I don't want you to do that,' and now it's her time, so I'm really happy for her," Marquardt said.

ABC said that Jewel, a Grammy winning singer, had to leave the show after suffering a fractured tibia in each leg.

O'Dell, a journalist from the celebrity news show "Access Hollywood," was sidelined with a torn meniscus in her knee. Both contestants suffered the injuries in practice.

There was no news Friday on who might replace O'Dell.

Former Playboy models have appeared on "Dancing with the Stars" in the past. Last season's champion, model and host BROOKE BURKE once stripped down for Playboy, as did former contestant KIM KARDASHIAN and 1980s pop singer BELINDA CARLISLE, 50, who is one of the stars in the upcoming season. LISA RINNA Also posed for Playboy

The other dancing stars include Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson, rapper Lil' Kim, actress Denise Richards and former Apple executive Steve Wozniak.

"Dancing with the Stars", based on the British program "Strictly Come Dancing", is one of the most-watched shows on U.S. television after "American Idol." It drew about 19 million viewers per episode last season.

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