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Thursday, April 23, 2009

LOST SPECIAL - Another annoying Clip Show

Last night Lost returned with a shocking, thrilling and provocative all new special entitled "The Story of the Oceanic 6." Okay, you caught me. It's a clip show. But the trailer featured explosions, gunfire and people jumping off of cliffs, not to mention very dramatic music. Those hardworking trailer editors and marketing people do what they can, of course, to get fans revved up for a big old bowl of reheated island goulash that's likely to be hot on the surface but ice cold and hard as a rock once you get into it. That doesn't sound so special to me. It sounds like Wednesday night on a budget.

As you can see from the photo on the left Juliet isn't amused either.

The Lost clip show has become a regular part of each season, with past years offering up 'special' treats like "Lost: Past, Present and Future," Lost: A Tale of Survival," "The Lost Survival Guide" and "Destinatnion Lost." Expect a very long episode recap, the same kind you see at the beginning of every episode only much, much longer.

The special essentially comes in place of an off week, allowing the network to put something Lost-oriented on the air to soak up some residual ratings from fans who really will watch anything with Josh Holloway and Evangeline Lilly in it. The special also slows the loss of momentum that can be expected during an off week, reminding fans with wandering attention spans that Lost always airs Wednesday nights at the same time.

Calling the episode "all new" is a bit disingenuous, though. Even if the producers snuck in, say, a new extended trailer for the rest of the season as a thank you to the fans loyal enough to watch the dreaded clip show the episode would still only be about 2-3% new.

According to the official press release, "ABC once again invites new and avid 'Lost' viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. 'Lost: The Story of the Oceanic 6' will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in discovering what happened to the Oceanic 6 and the remaining island survivors during the three years after Ben moved the island."
Lost returns a week from tonight with a tale that really is all new, celebrating their 100th new episode with "The Variable." Well, it's all new if you don't count the "previously on Lost" clips. Really, I suppose it's only about 98% new.


Cartman plans to run away from home to live the life of a pirate in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "Fatbeard," premiering on Wednesday, April 22 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.

Butters and a small group of recruits join Cartman in his dream of living on Skull Island where they will frolic in crystal clear waterfalls and discover buried treasure. Cartman promises that paradise awaits, if they can just get to Somalia.

Launched in 1997, "South Park," now in its 13th season, remains the highest-rated series on COMEDY CENTRAL. "South Park" repeats Wednesdays at 12:00 a.m., Thursdays at 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. and Sundays at 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.

SCRUBS - "MY CUZ" - A welcome relief before the end

I’m glad I have a new episode of SCRUBS to cleanse my palette after last week’s debacle. SCRUBS is too good of a show to resort to a gimmicky vacation episode. Thankfully, it got back on track this week with “My Cuz”. It also marks the return of two characters from J.D. (Zach Braff) and Elliot’s (Sarah Chalke) past. Elizabeth Banks and Scott Foley are back as Kim Briggs, mother of J.D.’s child, and Sean Kelly, Elliot’s ex-boyfriend and J.D.’s nemesis. In a screwy plot twist that I don’t think anyone saw coming, Kim and Sean are now together making for some truly awkward moments between the four of them. It’s good to see SCRUBS back on track.

There were two main arcs this episode and both of them have some heavy ramifications for the future. The first, which I mentioned already, was the J.D./Elliot/Kim/Sean thing. What a weird lunch date that must be. I think my face would explode if I ever ended up sitting across from my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend who is now sleeping with my ex-girlfriend. It’s kind of creepy, but it leads directly to the title of the episode. Apparently, if two guys sleep with they same girl, they are now sex cousins, or cuz for short.

I love it when SCRUBS comes up with these ridiculous names for these absurd situations. It’s that sort of quirky creativity that helped make SCRUBS such a koolarious show (that’s kooky + hilarious, btw). There’s even a secret pinky handshake among “cousins”, which, of course, you see throughout the show between some very odd characters. Seriously, who thought to bring Sean and Kim back in the show as a couple? Whoever you are, I need to shake your hand (but not your pinky).

While the foursome struggle to make things comfortable between them, Turk (Donald Faison) is hounding Dr. Cox (John C. McGinley) to give him the newly opened position of Chief of Surgery. Dr. Cox absolutely refuses to consider Turk, even after numerous personal vouches from practically the entire Sacred Heart staff. It takes some counseling from Bob Kelso (Ken Jenkins) to finally make Dr. Cox realize that he is biased against Turk for personal reasons, and that he really is the best person for the job. After some soul searching, Dr. Cox relents and offers Turk the position.

It’s funny how far these characters have come over the years. The initial premise of SCRUBS was looking at the hospital through the eyes of an intern, but here we are eight years later, and Turk is the friggin Chief of Surgery. A lot has changed on SCRUBS, and it’s just another reminder that their stories have been told. Yes SCRUBS fans, the end is near.

Speaking of the end, I think we just received the first real clue as to how SCRUBS will conclude. There are only three episodes left, after all, so they better wrap it up quickly. J.D. decides that he wants to move closer to Kim and his son so that he can be a real father to him, and not, as J.D. puts it, a part time dad. It’s a big decision. Huge. It means J.D. will leave Sacred Heart. It means the end of SCRUBS.

We all knew this was coming, so it’s not exactly a shock. There is, however, the Elliot factor. Will she be willing to move away with J.D., or will they break up? It’s fodder for the final stretch. In any case, brace yourself SCRUBS fans. After eight glorious years, SCRUBS is done. Finito. Over.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shocking SUICIDE on TV's HOUSE has KUTNER Written off show

Fox’s HOUSE delivered a shocking death tonight, the suicide of Lawrence Kutner played by Kal Penn. Kutner’s suicide on FOX’s HOUSE has put the net into a tailspin as fans react to tonight’s broadcast shocker.

Fans just comprehending the death are universally saying they are upset that Kutner was killed off as a character and that Penn as an actor has his storyline ended.

The rumors of the tragic Kal Penn death have been greatly exaggerated. There was no Kal Penn death. The character he plays on the T.V. show House, Dr. Lawrence Kutner, died, but the actor is fine. It’s called a TV show.

In Monday night’s episode of House, Kal Penn’s character Dr. Kutner didn’t show up for work and he was found in his apt. in a pool of blood from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gun shot wound. There was speculation as to whether he killed himself or was murdered, but most of the episode centered around suicide and Dr. House figuring out why Dr. Kutner would kill himself.

The real interesting aspect is how so many people read the news online and thought that Kal Penn, the actor most famous for portraying Kumar, had died. Some misinformation hit the Internet (coupled with people not being able to comprehend what they read) and all of a sudden the top 10 Google trends were dominated by people asking “Did Kal Penn die?” It was so prevalent that the number one Google trend this morning is Kal Penn death

To clear up any confusion, Kal Penn- alive. Kal Penn’s character Dr. Lawrence Kutner- dead.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MARK BALLAS DANCING WITH A BONER - Mark cannot hide his excitement over SHAWN JOHNSON

In the most recent episode of DANCING WITH THE STARS, it appears MARK BALLAS who was partnered with 17 year old SHAWN JOHNSON got a little more than excited over SHAWN JOHNSON's form. In the picture below, you can see a slight bulge in the penile region of MARK BALLAS as MARK BALLAS sports an obvious ERECTION towards his teen aged co star.

The MARK BALLAS BONER GATE has got the internet buzzing over the situation. One does have to feel sorry for the guy though, I'm sure his dance partner, SHAWN JOHNSON is quite freaked out by the MARK BALLAS BONER. SHAWN JOHNSON is no stranger to wierd old guys wanting more out of the olympian. It was only last week, a deraned fan broke into the DANCING WITH THE STARS set because he felt SHAWN JOHNSON was talking to him through the TV. A restraining order against the SHAWN JOHNSON STALKER has since been issued by the teen's parents. (Read more on the SHAWN JOHNSON STALKER here)

There is no news as to whether or not SHAWN JOHNSON will continue to dance with the BONER sporting MARK BALLAS
